Help with some coop / brooder math!

The four-square-foot guideline is pretty much tried and true from (sometimes painful) experience.
Many of us have found that it's a minimum.
With a 6x 8 coop, and half acre of free range space I can’t imagine 12 birds not having enough space. That’s seems like more than enough. Am I missing something?
Free ranging can be cut short by bad weather and/or predator pressure.

Do you have any plans for a run?

Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
It's easy to do, and then it's always there!
Since you already have this coop and run built, another idea would be to simply turn this entire thing into a coop since the basic structure is in place. Depending on your climate you may not even need to board up most/all the walls.

It would mean you don't have a run so would either need to add a new one or free range full time.

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