Help with the confirming the breed of my pullet


May 4, 2017
Hi all,

I purchased a chick six months ago, it was sold to me as a Purebreed Welsummer.(bought from City Chicks in Brisbane, Australia) As a chick it looked like a Welsummer chick. Now six months on, it doesn't look like a typical Welsummer appearance that I have seen. (there are no lighter coloured feathering around the neck). Is this normal, and can anyone help me confirm the breed. Thanks for your help!

She is the one on the left in the foreground.

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Thanks for your reply. I do also have a Rhode Island Red pullet (Ruby). What has confused me is that when they were small they were strikingly different in appearance but now they more similar. Here are some pictures when they were younger.

This is Sunny the pullet in question, who was the supposed Welsummer.

And this is Ruby, the Rhode Island Red.
Update: I sent some photos to the breeder and she thinks its a Barnevelder? What do you guys think? Attached is another photo of her.


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