Beauty the pretty chicken

In the Brooder
Aug 11, 2022
I have two broody chickens, one farther along than another. One is a black chicken that I’m not sure the breed and the other is a silky. The black chicken has been sitting on her for far longer than the silky. I’ve tried the eggs, but I’m not sure if I could really see anything because it was, still light out and I couldn’t tell what was happening. I believe I can. I saw veins of a chick although I’m not sure. I don’t know how chicken brooding and chicken hatching works so any advice would be great. Our chicken stays on the eggs a lot of time although she does go out for short recesses. also has different colors. The ones that aren’t the same colors as her? I also generally just need advice on how to how to go about raising these chickens when they already have a mama chicken because I’ve never done this before!

Thank you!

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