
Show chick

In the Brooder
Jun 16, 2024
West Virginia ,US
I have 4 guinea fowl and 4chickens
They used to live in the pen with my chickens but we let them free range all the time now . Every time I would go to let out my chickens to free range for a bit the guineas would come and attack them they even knocked the feet out under my rooster . I have to wait till I know the guineas are far enough away or have to put the guineas in the open part of the run where I can block of the covered run before I let them chickens out . I can’t leave the run door open because if the guineas get in they aren’t the smartest and have a hard time getting out . What can I do they are around the same age I know it’s not right but I have 3 male Guineas to 1 female guinea I thought about getting some more guineas and then getting rid of the males but I would love to get guinea eggs from our female so I wouldn’t want to get rid of her even though they are loud I still love them and don’t really want to get rid of all of them because my father really wanted them and my grandmother loves to hear them . Please any tips will help I want to to figure this out before I get new chicks this spring.
Why not keep the chickens in the coop/ covered run, and let the guineas free range? Especially if you want to get more guineas.
I let the guineas free range but the problem happens when I try to let my chickens free range for a bit
They used to live with the chickens but it started becoming a problem and they were old enough to be able to free range the guinea has been free range since sometime around August when they were 16 weeks old
Is the run big enough to let the chickens live there permanently?
Yeah I like to give them a lot of room but where the run is the grass doesn’t really grow and I like for them to get some grass once in a while and even know my neighbors little granddaughter love to feed it to them they still enjoy having a little bit of freedom I do make sure a watch them all the time when they are out but the guineas are very quick .I thought about trying to grow a little bit of grass in a area for them but I don’t know if it will work .

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