
12 Years
Mar 30, 2007
Peach Bottom
i need ur advise, i went to the store today to get bedding, but all they had was a pine/cedar blend can i use cedar or will the chickies get sick, i only have a little while plz help, i used to keep hamsters and the first cupple ones we had we used cedar and the got respitory infections and died, the same with my rats (*yes i do have pet rats*) i dont want the chicks to die plz tell me if cedar is Okay
From what I've read, it kinda depends. First, how much cedar is mixed in with the pine shavings? Alot or just a little for fragrance? If mostly or a lot of cedar I'd say no. Second, the coop you're putting it in. Is it air tight? Is is still very cold where you are so you keep the coop shut up all the time or, like here, is it warm and you leave the windows open? Third, the age of your birds. Little chicks? Nope, they're too sensitive. Older chicks? Maybe if the coop is airy. Adults? Probably if they are outside a lot and there is only a little cedar and mostly pine. I hope this helps.....
Thank you so much it helped alot i decided to just stay away from cedar alttogether
even though my coop is pretty well ventalated thanks again for your help...byc rocks!!

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