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I'm sorry about your injured hen!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! X4 on post in the Emergencies forum, Hope your hen recovers. You can use Neosporin or something like Blu-Kote or other wound dressing on it, you can find it at most farm stores. Like TwoCrows suggested make a full body sock for her, fasten/safety pin it so she can't get to the wound... it might also help if you keep her in the dark quite a bit so she stays quieter.
I gave in and took her back to the vet, turns out the wounds are never sutchered on her neck. The brown is a scab. The vet said the wounds will never close because the skin won't grow back. So she will forever be a pet can't ever eat her eggs. But she will be OK. Thank you all
I gave in and took her back to the vet, turns out the wounds are never sutchered on her neck. The brown is a scab. The vet said the wounds will never close because the skin won't grow back. So she will forever be a pet can't ever eat her eggs. But she will be OK. Thank you all

- none of that makes any sense in looking at this wound.
I gave in and took her back to the vet, turns out the wounds are never sutchered on her neck. The brown is a scab. The vet said the wounds will never close because the skin won't grow back. So she will forever be a pet can't ever eat her eggs. But she will be OK. Thank you all

Sounds odd to me. I had a gray chick the went to close to the dog and got a similar injury. I didn't go to the vet. It happened the day before I had to leave town. I had someone to feed the animals. When I came back a week later the skin regrew and you can't tell where the injury is. I also had a hen with two quarter size holes on her back and they scabbed over and skin grew and refeathered.

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