Finally getting more work done since the temperature is cooling down.
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Cap you always put me to shame. Nice work!

I got the first raised bed assembled out of that scrapped deck. Looks like there should be enough of it to make 2 more at least. Tomorrow I'll put in the cardboard and the first layer of horse manure. Topsoil is going to cost a stupid amount of money but these first 3 beds were made with free materials so that'll numb some of the pain.

I don't have any wood chips for the aisles yet so do you guys think plain straw over cardboard will do the job?
I would use the straw inside the raised beds.
cardboard should be good enough for the walk ways. It will deteriorate eventually. but you can always get more. maybe before too long some wood chips will come along.
If you are not going to be planting right away, why not just make compost in the beds ? you can always get dirt later on.
dirt compacts too much , IMHO..
go research potting mix, (not potting soil)
make your own mix, less costly than buying bags of it..
straw breaks down rather quickly.
what I like about it, it fluffs up the soil .
maybe use one of the beds for your winter crop and make compost in the other(s) .
last fall I planted winter rye. then in the spring I worked it into the soil. It was about 3 feet tall. a 50 pound bag of seed was only $14.oo.
it really kept the weeds from growing.
you can also plow it in when it is just starting to grow. at about 10 inches tall. they call that "green manure"..
I finally got all the wire cut for the run, and all but one piece tacked on. Tomorrow I hope I can get the roof on. The chickens should be able to go out tomorrow regardless.
I need to fill in over the skirt all the way around as well .
Some of my bantam cochins. Chicks are mostly sold now.
Two of my ladies.
cappy, are you finding enough room for all those pens and coops ?
got a lot done in the garage today. filled two wheelbarrows with floor sweepings. mostly old hay from when the geese tore a bale apart.
I found a metal box with a tubular handle. like an open tool box.
I could hardly lift it. I did not recognize the box as one of mine.
inside the box were, two 1/2" pneumatic impact wrenches, two pneu. drills, one pneu wire brush grinder and a cigar box full of fittings for almost every size of pneumatic hoses..We deduced these were tools left behind when DD X boyfriend abandoned her and went to Colo. then he contacted her and wanted her to send his tools. Like THAT was going to happen . LOL Thanks Bob.
He was/is an auto mechanic.
(with new tools I'll bet)
cappy, are you finding enough room for all those pens and coops ?
got a lot done in the garage today. filled two wheelbarrows with floor sweepings. mostly old hay from when the geese tore a bale apart.
I found a metal box with a tubular handle. like an open tool box.
I could hardly lift it. I did not recognize the box as one of mine.
inside the box were, two 1/2" pneumatic impact wrenches, two pneu. drills, one pneu wire brush grinder and a cigar box full of fittings for almost every size of pneumatic hoses..We deduced these were tools left behind when DD X boyfriend abandoned her and went to Colo. then he contacted her and wanted her to send his tools. Like THAT was going to happen . LOL Thanks Bob.
He was/is an auto mechanic.
(with new tools I'll bet)
No problem finding room, we have 13 acres.
I dragged two pieces of pine trees into the run today so the chickens can climb around. I also found two boards I am going to use to screw the two metal panels into for the roof of the run, and painted them. Then I pulled weeds, watered and tidied up the garden. Then it started sprinkling, so time to go back inside.
sounds like conciencly or unconiencly people are getting ready for winter.
I finally realized I will need help to get the front of the shelves started. too many loose ends to hold and try to clamp.
we can see a light in the end of the tunnel. I think tomorrow I will be able to back the tractor into the garage.
substantial snow forecast for Saturday..
We are supposed to go to a
BYC Cheeseheads get together on Sat. about 50 miles from here.
Won't go if it snows too hard.
Our big get together is in June.
3 days of camping and eating and talking silly..
We had our 10th one this summer.
I am loving these warm fall days. had to peel off my sweat shirt yesterday.. but it felt good putting it back on when the sun got to 4 o'clock..

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