Hi all,
I’m a first-year chicken keeper with six hens (no roosters) in Portland, Maine. My flock (an Easter Eggers, a Buff Orpington, a Lavender Orpington, a Barred Rock, an Australorp and a Black Copper Maran) is about 36 weeks old, all laying regularly.
They have an 8’x16’ hardware cloth-enclosed run, covered with clear tarps up to 4 feet for wind protection, and a draft-free coop inside with deep litter pine shavings. During the day, they free-range in an additional 1,500 sq. ft. enclosed area and have access to a 3-bay compost with daily kitchen chicken-safe scraps. Their diet includes 16% Nutrena layer feed, heated water with ACV (plus 2 times a day I give some fresh water), free-choice oyster shells and grit, and some cracked corn before bed.
About a week ago, I noticed a large bald patch on my Barred Rock’s thigh, with one scaly spot. Other hens have smaller bare patches, some appearing to heal. I think I ruled out mites and lice after checking the birds and coop thoroughly, and I use PREMO spray regularly as a preventative.
I’ve recently observed my Black Copper Maran “Judy” going back and forth from chicken to chicken pecking at feathers, sometimes incidentally drawing blood. The Barred Rock’s feathers appear sheared off, aligning with this behavior I think? I set up a separation area for Judy with food, water, and blanket on 3 sides at night for extra warmth, but when I reintroduced her after two days/nights, the behavior persisted, so she’s back in isolation.
Could this be a feather-pecking disorder rather than bullying? I’m unsure how to address this behavior or rule out underlying health issues like mites or lice confidently. I don't feel like it would be nutrition deficiency with what I feed them, or boredom with all of the space, but I just don't know. Everybody otherwise seems very healthy and happy. Red combs and typical behavior. The isolation setup seems to work, but I feel bad leaving Judy separated, especially with temperatures dropping to 10°F tonight. But of course I feel for the other birds as well!
I’ve attached photos of the flock (older pic from before the winter), run, coop, and the affected Barred Rock for reference. Sorry the photos are poor, it is hard taking them with just myself. Any advice on identifying the issue and managing Judy’s behavior would be greatly appreciated!
Please let me know what additional information I can provide, as I am sure I as missing things. Thanks so much for your help!
I’m a first-year chicken keeper with six hens (no roosters) in Portland, Maine. My flock (an Easter Eggers, a Buff Orpington, a Lavender Orpington, a Barred Rock, an Australorp and a Black Copper Maran) is about 36 weeks old, all laying regularly.
They have an 8’x16’ hardware cloth-enclosed run, covered with clear tarps up to 4 feet for wind protection, and a draft-free coop inside with deep litter pine shavings. During the day, they free-range in an additional 1,500 sq. ft. enclosed area and have access to a 3-bay compost with daily kitchen chicken-safe scraps. Their diet includes 16% Nutrena layer feed, heated water with ACV (plus 2 times a day I give some fresh water), free-choice oyster shells and grit, and some cracked corn before bed.
About a week ago, I noticed a large bald patch on my Barred Rock’s thigh, with one scaly spot. Other hens have smaller bare patches, some appearing to heal. I think I ruled out mites and lice after checking the birds and coop thoroughly, and I use PREMO spray regularly as a preventative.
I’ve recently observed my Black Copper Maran “Judy” going back and forth from chicken to chicken pecking at feathers, sometimes incidentally drawing blood. The Barred Rock’s feathers appear sheared off, aligning with this behavior I think? I set up a separation area for Judy with food, water, and blanket on 3 sides at night for extra warmth, but when I reintroduced her after two days/nights, the behavior persisted, so she’s back in isolation.
Could this be a feather-pecking disorder rather than bullying? I’m unsure how to address this behavior or rule out underlying health issues like mites or lice confidently. I don't feel like it would be nutrition deficiency with what I feed them, or boredom with all of the space, but I just don't know. Everybody otherwise seems very healthy and happy. Red combs and typical behavior. The isolation setup seems to work, but I feel bad leaving Judy separated, especially with temperatures dropping to 10°F tonight. But of course I feel for the other birds as well!
I’ve attached photos of the flock (older pic from before the winter), run, coop, and the affected Barred Rock for reference. Sorry the photos are poor, it is hard taking them with just myself. Any advice on identifying the issue and managing Judy’s behavior would be greatly appreciated!
Please let me know what additional information I can provide, as I am sure I as missing things. Thanks so much for your help!