Hen came back!?? But, not looking so well..

Traffie Chickens

Apr 20, 2024
Hi everyone! So this past week I have been taking care of my neighbors chickens while they are on a vacation, and they said that a fox keeps getting their chickens, and they have lost a lot of birds. I have been watching them since last Saturday and this chicken had been missing since I started. And this morning I went to let the other chickens out for the morning and I found her by the coop! But the others won’t accept her anymore,
and I am pretty sure that her one eye is blind now. She is looking rough. I put blue coat spray on her head, but I don’t know if there is something else I should do for her?
Also, how do I know if she is disease free? she is really wanting to go be with my two young 13 week old chicks,
Oh man poor girl! Who knows what she went through. I would keep her separate for the standard 30 days if she were in my care, but that is your call, you know more about the situation and what she may have been exposed to. I don’t think it’s worth risking introducing your chicks, though.

Right now focus on getting her fed well and some fluids. Electrolytes are good, or water with a little nutridrench. You could make her scrambled eggs or make her chicken feed into a mash to get her to eat a bit more if needed.

Check her over really, really well for injuries hidden beneath feathers and tucked under wings. Check for mites and lice, too. I would look closely at her ears, eyes and mouth for drainage or infection, also. Looks like her comb got damaged, treat that with some Vetericyn, chlorhexadine or just saline rinse if that’s what you have available. Then keep an ointment (w/out pain relief) on it until it heals.

For her eye, do a check to see if anything is stuck in it. Then rinse that with saline really well. You could also try a warm compress instead. It’s a bit hard to tell from the pics, but is there an eyeball in there? There is terramycin eye ointment you can get at TSC or Amazon even I think and that would probably be good to use. Someone may come along with more experience on the eye injury, but that is how I would treat for now with my limited knowledge on eye injuries.

Seems like a lucky chicken! And lucky neighbors to have you to take care of her!
Oh man poor girl! Who knows what she went through. I would keep her separate for the standard 30 days if she were in my care, but that is your call, you know more about the situation and what she may have been exposed to. I don’t think it’s worth risking introducing your chicks, though.

Right now focus on getting her fed well and some fluids. Electrolytes are good, or water with a little nutridrench. You could make her scrambled eggs or make her chicken feed into a mash to get her to eat a bit more if needed.

Check her over really, really well for injuries hidden beneath feathers and tucked under wings. Check for mites and lice, too. I would look closely at her ears, eyes and mouth for drainage or infection, also. Looks like her comb got damaged, treat that with some Vetericyn, chlorhexadine or just saline rinse if that’s what you have available. Then keep an ointment (w/out pain relief) on it until it heals.

For her eye, do a check to see if anything is stuck in it. Then rinse that with saline really well. You could also try a warm compress instead. It’s a bit hard to tell from the pics, but is there an eyeball in there? There is terramycin eye ointment you can get at TSC or Amazon even I think and that would probably be good to use. Someone may come along with more experience on the eye injury, but that is how I would treat for now with my limited knowledge on eye injuries.

Seems like a lucky chicken! And lucky neighbors to have you to take care of her!
Thanks!! Yes there is an eyeball, but there is no pupil, 🤔
Thanks!! Yes there is an eyeball, but there is no pupil, 🤔
Goodness. Poor thing. Assuming she had one before, I think just follow the protocol for an eye injury as stated until someone else is able to give more specific instructions. There doesn’t look to be a ton of swelling, but do be sure there isn’t anything lodged in the eye. If there is pus it would have to be expelled eventually, but we can cross that bridge once you can assess it closer. Maybe get some more pictures of the eye if you are able to at some point today.
It looks like her eye has been punctured by a fang or peck injury, and the vitreous humor is leaking. She must have met a predator and got away. Who knows if she was injured further. Look through her feathers and under wings, vent, etc. Her eye needs to be flushed with saline or eye wash, followed by either Terramycin or plain Neosporin to the eye twice a day. She should be able to get around with only one eye, but it makes it a little harder for them to have close and far vision, or get away from predators. For the injuries on her comb and wattles, those should heal in time. Is she eating and drinking okay? How long was she gone? Are there other chickens in your area? I would keep her in a shaded wire dog crate with food and water, and give her some scrambled or boiled egg or tuna for some extra protein.
Eye injuries hurt terribly. Treat her with one 81 grain chewable aspirin twice a day and that will cut her pain in half.

When flushing the eye, pull up the swollen tissue and get the saline under the surrounding tissue. If you see that pus is forming, it means bacteria is taking up residence. The pus will need to be removed for healing to occur.

She probably has lost the vision in the right eye. That eye focuses on finding food, so she will require help. Start feeding her in exactly the same location so she will always be able to find food. She may require feeding alone since she won't be able to compete for food with the other chickens. I had a hen blinded by a tumor of the right eye, and she did just fine. Chickens adjust to disabilities and can lead normal lives with a little help.

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