Hen coughing, sneezing, could this be bronchitis/cold?


In the Brooder
Mar 23, 2024
Posting a video with sound to YouTube, If the link doesn’t work, I don’t know how I will post it. This app is extremely glitchy. But one of my hens has started coughing? Sneezing, wheezing? What do you call this? I’m narrowing it down to possibly bronchitis/ a cold.
I would describe it as, sneezing, coughing, wheezing. She’s breathing kind of “wet”.

We have not had rain in over 2 months. But we did go from 90°f+ as the highs, 70s as the lows, to 39°F low and high of 71° and WINDY literally over one night.

No new birds or feed, nothing has changed except the weather. She is about 7 months old, I’ve thought she looks a little thinner but everyone in the flock seems to look that way, I didn’t think they were molting but they’ve all lost so many feathers they are everywhere. No mites or parasites that I have seen anywhere, I’m pretty positive this is strictly respiratory but willing to look into all possibilities.
The only thing I have that might could be used is tylosin powder, but prefer to take her to the vet before I administer that with an 8 week+ withdrawal.HOWEVER, my vet has been out a lot and they have been booked for weeks… so I don’t have anywhere close I can take her. So we will just see how this thread goes and go from there, if I really tell them I’m concerned they will let me drop off and pick up the same or next day as they did for my guinea hen.

Still struggling to use this app, it doesn’t do well on an iPhone.

I just went through this with some members of my flock too, same symptoms and all. It was a respiratory virus and ran its course quickly. No birds died. Everyone kept up their normal activity eating and drinking. I attributed it to the fact that there are lots of wild birds migrating through our area and probably carried in the virus. I did offer them vitamin supplements in their water alongside their regular, fresh water so they had a choice. It cleared up quickly.
I just went through this with some members of my flock too, same symptoms and all. It was a respiratory virus and ran its course quickly. No birds died. Everyone kept up their normal activity eating and drinking. I attributed it to the fact that there are lots of wild birds migrating through our area and probably carried in the virus. I did offer them vitamin supplements in their water alongside their regular, fresh water so they had a choice. It cleared up quickly.
What I am most concerned about aside from their health, is I just sold a dozen chicks to someone local to me and I’m worried about what could have spread to them via through the hen to chick, or on the eggshell and carried over.

Also I’m looking more into mereks as I have some chicks vaccinated and my older flock is not. I got them from 2 different sources. I’ve read the virus is leaky… so now I’m not sure how to proceed. That sale paid for a months worth of feed for my birds and I was hoping to be able to do that with everything being so expensive right now. It helped immensely.

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