Hen crushed egg

gimmie birdies

Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Feb 12, 2013
Eastern WA
Hi, not looking for help. Just posting what happened and what I did. Hen was sitting on 4 eggs. One was hatching, and one had just a pip. The hen crushed one egg, but not killing it. I put the hatched chick and the crushed egg in an incubator. I did not help the chick out of egg since the inner lining still had veins.
hen still has 2 eggs.
We had exactly that same thing happen a few years ago. The crushed egg though had been left behind by the mother hen and her clutch. It was cold when I found it, but moving so I fired up the incubator and put him in it. It took him three days to hatch! We called him Lazarus. :)

This was him about a couple months later. His mom wouldn't let him cuddle up and it was a cold winter night, so we brought him in.

Lazarus came in 2.jpg
Hi, not looking for help. Just posting what happened and what I did. Hen was sitting on 4 eggs. One was hatching, and one had just a pip. The hen crushed one egg, but not killing it. I put the hatched chick and the crushed egg in an incubator. I did not help the chick out of egg since the inner lining still had veins. View attachment 3875923hen still has 2 eggs.
Wow that's even worse than my crushed egg situation. I hope it makes it. Mine was crushed on day 14 under the broody and still made it. What a miracle.
The crushed egg sat in her inner lining till she absorbed veins. Then I pealed off white outer layer, she still had a strong vein connecting to her butt, so I left it connected and placed her in a paper bag, with top cut off, so it could dry, in the bag like a playpen, so it could dry without dragging and pulling out innereds. This am she was yellow dry and fluffy. The connected cord was dry, and I clipped it off. Hen crushed one more pipped egg, not as bad. It's in the incubator. The last egg not shown is under a different broody hen now.
The crushed egg sat in her inner lining till she absorbed veins. Then I pealed off white outer layer, she still had a strong vein connecting to her butt, so I left it connected and placed her in a paper bag, with top cut off, so it could dry, in the bag like a playpen, so it could dry without dragging and pulling out innereds. This am she was yellow dry and fluffy. The connected cord was dry, and I clipped it off. Hen crushed one more pipped egg, not as bad. It's in the incubator. The last egg not shown is under a different broody hen now.View attachment 3876602
Wonderful news!!

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