Hen is pale, not standing

Her crop was squishy again this morning, no change in her behavior. I tried ordering nystatin liquid suspension from Chewy and my vet approved, but Chewy cancelled the order saying they won't fill prescriptions for food-baring animals. I've called two Tractor Supply stores, Petsmart, and Petco, no one carries medistatin (or anything for candida/sour crop in birds). Where are you all getting your nystatin/medistatin locally? I've ordered some online, but could be a week before it arrives.
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Her crop was squishy again this morning, no change in her behavior. I tried ordering nystatin liquid suspension from Chewy and my vet approved, but Chewy cancelled the order saying they won't fill prescriptions for food-baring animals. I've called two Tractor Supply stores, Petsmart, and Petco, no one carries medistatin (or anything for candida/sour crop in birds). Where are you all getting your nystatin/medistatin locally? I've ordered some online, but could be a week before it arrives.
You have to order the Nystatin online.

You can use Miconazole or Clotrimazole in the meantime, you can find those at Walmart, CVS, etc. The dosing is listed in the articles in the previous post.
Thank you. We tried to give her nystatin cream I had onhand last night, along with moistened chickstarter (handfed) and water, but this morning it looks like she threw everything up. Getting some miconozole today. She's not eaten/kept down much in several days and is very thin now. We're going to keep trying.
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I found that yesterday and ordered it, thank you! I also ordered acidified copper sulfatefrom Jedd's, I read that is used for sour crop as well. Just hoping something arrives soon. I'm going to start giving her monsistat by mouth today since that's all I can immediately get my hands on.

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