Hen mysterious illness?

Have you checked her vent area?
Update: she had a movement that was yellow and odd looking and later an egg right after, I’m going to clean her up and let her rest. I’m pretty sure she was egg bound and it was affecting her movement. Thank you!
Could be a lash egg, or salpingitis. If you're not providing calcium I would get some now and give her the calcium citrate tab which you can get at Walmart if you have one near.

Another member will have to take over on this especially if it's an infection or inflammation of the reproductive system.
Could be a lash egg, or salpingitis. If you're not providing calcium I would get some now and give her the calcium citrate tab which you can get at Walmart if you have one near.

Another member will have to take over on this especially if it's an infection or inflammation of the reproductive system.
Yeah, I put her back into her pen but she’s still lunging forward and stumbling. She can drink if I make her.
Photos of hen, the odd yellow something would be helpful.

She may need to be expelling another egg or lash material.

I'd get some Calcium into her asap. Calcium Citrate+D3 would be good to give - 1 tablet right into the beak. Give once daily for at least 5 days. If you don't have this, give her a TUMS.

Video of her actions may help = upload to Youtube and provide a link.

The lunging is odd, look inside the beak for any obstruction. Some of your description sounds like neurological issues, but hard to know.

You are feeding a Gamecock Condition. Looks like a good feed to me, but it's also a loose type feed which can sometimes lead to deficiency.
Some birds tend to pick out their favorite pieces and don't eat the rest, so they are lacking. You can offer the feed soaked or fermented, this will encourage eating all of it. I'd also provide oyster shell free choice. While it does have minimum calcium, a laying hen needs supplemented.

Had you put her back with the others and this started happening or was she already separated back out. What breed is she and what breed(s) are the other hens/roosters?
Photos of hen, the odd yellow something would be helpful.

She may need to be expelling another egg or lash material.

I'd get some Calcium into her asap. Calcium Citrate+D3 would be good to give - 1 tablet right into the beak. Give once daily for at least 5 days. If you don't have this, give her a TUMS.

Video of her actions may help = upload to Youtube and provide a link.

The lunging is odd, look inside the beak for any obstruction. Some of your description sounds like neurological issues, but hard to know.

You are feeding a Gamecock Condition. Looks like a good feed to me, but it's also a loose type feed which can sometimes lead to deficiency.
Some birds tend to pick out their favorite pieces and don't eat the rest, so they are lacking. You can offer the feed soaked or fermented, this will encourage eating all of it. I'd also provide oyster shell free choice. While it does have minimum calcium, a laying hen needs supplemented.

Had you put her back with the others and this started happening or was she already separated back out. What breed is she and what breed(s) are the other hens/roosters?
I will send pictures. I think she’s a buff Orpington. The rooster previously was an Easter egg, the other hens are black sexlinks and barred rocks. She was isolated before this started happening.

Do I give her the whole tum??? Do I crush it up and put it in her food or feed it straight to her?

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