Hen needing new home HELOTES TEXAS (basically San Antonio)

Have you considered keeping them in a coop/run setup? I'm in the piney woods North of Houston and have a ridiculous amount of predators that want to eat my chickens. I built a large predator-proof run attached to the coop (including a hardware cloth skirt to prevent diggers). They're happy and healthy. I even have a "chicken tractor" so they can graze in the grass without risk of predators.

If you love your girl and are considering keeping her and getting a couple more so she's not alone, this might be your solution!
I kept thinking about this and the more I did the more unbearable it became to give her up. Seeing her waiting for me always made me smile, so I'm going to get at least 2 other birds to keep her company. I'm thinking a roo as well to sound the alarm if things go south. Thank you so much for your help, im def gonna try to buff up their security
If you get a rooster, get one that's already made it through rooberty (not a cockerel) and is gentle. Usually you want a higher percentage of hens to rooster. 3 to 1 might not be enough and he may overmate and hurt them.

Good luck! I'm happy for you!

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