My Black Copper Maran has not been herself for some time. She’s almost 2yo. In the fall she was broody and finally started laying again once winter hit. Then she started molting probably around Thanksgiving/ early December and stopped laying again. Now her feathers are grown in but her comb/wattle still has a white-ish /dry appearance and her feet are pinkish where before they were always grey. She has become anti social and stands in the same corner of the run every day. Today she was standing on one leg and hiding her head in her feathers for periods of time. She also stands in a hunched over position all day. She is still not laying. I did epsom salt baths with no change. She gets organic layer feed, red pepper flakes, apple cider vinegar, crushed eggshells, crushed granite, fruits, veggies, etc. All of my other chickens have been thriving.
I’m at a loss on what to do for her.
I’m at a loss on what to do for her.