Hen not acting right for months


Jan 18, 2025
My Black Copper Maran has not been herself for some time. She’s almost 2yo. In the fall she was broody and finally started laying again once winter hit. Then she started molting probably around Thanksgiving/ early December and stopped laying again. Now her feathers are grown in but her comb/wattle still has a white-ish /dry appearance and her feet are pinkish where before they were always grey. She has become anti social and stands in the same corner of the run every day. Today she was standing on one leg and hiding her head in her feathers for periods of time. She also stands in a hunched over position all day. She is still not laying. I did epsom salt baths with no change. She gets organic layer feed, red pepper flakes, apple cider vinegar, crushed eggshells, crushed granite, fruits, veggies, etc. All of my other chickens have been thriving.

I’m at a loss on what to do for her.



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Is the yellow green poop in the foreground hers? She may still be molting and weak, but I would check her crop to make sure that it is emptying by early morning. Feel of her lower belly under the vent for any enlargement. How cold is it there? The pink on her feet and legs is normal in a fertile young hen. Do you see any bubbles or foam in her eye?
Is the yellow green poop in the foreground hers? She may still be molting and weak, but I would check her crop to make sure that it is emptying by early morning. Feel of her lower belly under the vent for any enlargement. How cold is it there? The pink on her feet and legs is normal in a fertile young hen. Do you see any bubbles or foam in her eye?
That’s actually a scrap of a brussel sprout in front of her, not poop lol! I did check her crop and belly. Nothing seemed unusual other than her being a little thin. It’s been in the 20s and 30s during the day. No bubbles or foam in eyes.
That’s actually a scrap of a brussel sprout in front of her, not poop lol! I did check her crop and belly. Nothing seemed unusual other than her being a little thin. It’s been in the 20s and 30s during the day. No bubbles or foam in eyes.
That is what I wondered, LOL. I would check her crop first thing in the morning before eating or drinking when it should be empty. Pictures of droppings can sometimes help.
@mmrobbins She may benefit from something like Nutridrench or Rooster Booster to replenish what she’s lacking. Have you wormed the flock? You said she’s thin. Does she have mites and/or lice? She’s probably also feeling cold. My opinion only— separate from the flock so you can treat her. Is it possible to place her somewhere warm, and where you can give her extra care? Warmth may help her perk up a little and eat/drink. Then you can address whatever else is happening with her. I hope your hen recovers soon.
In the fall she was broody and finally started laying again once winter hit. Then she started molting probably around Thanksgiving/ early December and stopped laying again. Now her feathers are grown in but her comb/wattle still has a white-ish /dry appearance and her feet are pinkish where before they were always grey. She has become anti social and stands in the same corner of the run every day. Today she was standing on one leg and hiding her head in her feathers for periods of time. She also stands in a hunched over position all day. She is still not laying.
Does she have lice or mites?
What's her poop like?

I'd check to see that her crop is emptying overnight.

What's on the feathers under the beak/at her breast?
Her belly was naked before and I was worried about her being cold but her feathers are grown in. I did not see any signs of lice on her. I’m not sure what the white is on her feathers under her beak. I thought maybe it was like a dandruff that was coming off her comb and wattle or just the remaining feathers still coming in. It doesn’t seem to be any kind of nasal discharge. I don’t really have a place I can separate her for any period of time right now. I’ve never dewormed my flock before either. I always just gave them pepper flakes or ACV in water here and there.

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