Hen or roo? What breed?


In the Brooder
Jul 26, 2024
Hi, I'm pretty sure I know what I've got here, but can anyone please confirm? 😁 Approx 8 weeks old.

Chick 1

Chick 2

Chick 3

Chick 4

Chick 5
2 and 5 are your only pullets. Chicks 1 + 2 look to be Welsummers (I may be wrong, not too good with the brown colored breeds haha) and the others are cream legbars.
That's exactly what I was thinking! Thanks 😁
I was a bit confused because obviously the two welsummers came from dark brown eggs, but one of the cream legbars did too. 🤔
Thanks! Would that bird look different when fully grown? I can't remember if it was one of the roos or one or the hen 😅
Olive Eggers can look like just about anything, I've seen some that look exactly like legbars, sme that look like marans, some that look like easter Eggers. They usually have smaller crests than legbars, but some legbars already have barely there crests anyway so it's not a big difference. If I had to guess I'd say it was chick #3, he doesn't seem to have the red/cream breast I would expect in a pure legbar.

It would have to be one of the boys, a barred rooster that's homozygous for barring (2 copies of the barring gene) like legbars are supposed to be can pretty much only produce barred chicks. And the 2 that don't look like cockerels are not barred.
Olive Eggers can look like just about anything, I've seen some that look exactly like legbars, sme that look like marans, some that look like easter Eggers. They usually have smaller crests than legbars, but some legbars already have barely there crests anyway so it's not a big difference. If I had to guess I'd say it was chick #3, he doesn't seem to have the red/cream breast I would expect in a pure legbar.

It would have to be one of the boys, a barred rooster that's homozygous for barring (2 copies of the barring gene) like legbars are supposed to be can pretty much only produce barred chicks. And the 2 that don't look like cockerels are not barred.
It's all so interesting. Thank you!! They are so cuddly at the moment.🥰🥰

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