Hen or Roo?


In the Brooder
Jul 6, 2024
I have several backyard mixes and a couple that are supposed to be Lavender Orpington hens. Both are about 6-7 weeks old I know it’s kind of early but was wondering what your opinion is on hen or Roos?
This is one of my Lavender Orpingtons
my second Lavender Orpington
This barnyard mix is so pretty, can’t wait to see what she looks like as she gets older!


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My barnyard mixes tend to telecast pretty early...so I'm going to make some guesses. I find comb color typically is more indicative, then comb/wattle size.

My guess is the top photo, center blackish bird is male. Middle photo, lavender, is likely female...precocious comb but still very pale. Third photo mixed, likely female. I don't like the pattern on the wing bow, but comb and general body say female. I've had some wing patterns on pullets as they grew....it's not red wing bars.

My thoughts. Definitely give them some time to mature before final call.

None of these is a lavender Orpington. They are blue, not lavender.

1. Breed could be Andalusian, Australorp, blue Orpington or Sapphire Gem. My guess is that it's an Andalusian cockerel, but it's really a close call because the comb isn't that big so far.

2. This is probably a Sapphire Gem, since it has yellow skin near the bottom of its feet, and the other breeds would be white or pinkish white in this area. This is another close call as far as comb goes. I think these first two need a bit more time to tell.

3. Mixed breed. I think this one is definitely a male due to those deeper red shoulder patches, the splotchy, uneven color pattern, and the redness of its comb.
My barnyard mixes tend to telecast pretty early...so I'm going to make some guesses. I find comb color typically is more indicative, then comb/wattle size.

My guess is the top photo, center blackish bird is male. Middle photo, lavender, is likely female...precocious comb but still very pale. Third photo mixed, likely female. I don't like the pattern on the wing bow, but comb and general body say female. I've had some wing patterns on pullets as they grew....it's not red wing bars.

My thoughts. Definitely give them some time to mature before final call.

Thank you I appreciate it!
None of these is a lavender Orpington. They are blue, not lavender.

1. Breed could be Andalusian, Australorp, blue Orpington or Sapphire Gem. My guess is that it's an Andalusian cockerel, but it's really a close call because the comb isn't that big so far.

2. This is probably a Sapphire Gem, since it has yellow skin near the bottom of its feet, and the other breeds would be white or pinkish white in this area. This is another close call as far as comb goes. I think these first two need a bit more time to tell.

3. Mixed breed. I think this one is definitely a male due to those deeper red shoulder patches, the splotchy, uneven color pattern, and the redness of its comb.
I kind of wondered about whether or not they were actual lavender Orpingtons myself, they were labeled as such but I didn’t think they actually looked like it when I was looking them up.
Thank you, learning something everyday from this page!
I kind of wondered about whether or not they were actual lavender Orpingtons myself, they were labeled as such but I didn’t think they actually looked like it when I was looking them up.
Thank you, learning something everyday from this page!
You're welcome. Lavender should be a much more even coloration than blue, with no darker and lighter areas, and no lacing on the feathers.

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