Hen passed blood clot & weird egg membrane

Hopefully! Her appetite is fully back as of today, at least for a non-laying chicken. (She's also extremely affectionate. I can barely get her to go to sleep at night right now because she keeps wanting to nap on my shoulder.)

She does not seem to be going through a major molt, but she does have a mini-molt going on. She has baby chick starter crumble & corn & lettuce & chicken snack mix & regular feed & grit/oyster shell, along with tomato and blueberry snacks and keeps going from one to the other to the next. Very much the opposite from this Saturday. Now let's hope she starts packing on weight. :)
SKYAJK's chicken may have also been distressed away from the other chickens? Whereas your Pluisje wont have that issue so may springback a bit faster hopefully.
She was with the flock, I did not remove her from the flock, she removed herself from her flock by standing aside, in the corner and she was grumpy if any of them come near her.
Hopefully! Her appetite is fully back as of today, at least for a non-laying chicken. (She's also extremely affectionate. I can barely get her to go to sleep at night right now because she keeps wanting to nap on my shoulder.)

She does not seem to be going through a major molt, but she does have a mini-molt going on. She has baby chick starter crumble & corn & lettuce & chicken snack mix & regular feed & grit/oyster shell, along with tomato and blueberry snacks and keeps going from one to the other to the next. Very much the opposite from this Saturday. Now let's hope she starts packing on weight. :)
It is good she has so much varieties of food to choose from, she is so loved. Do you have some of those fresh corn or thaw from frozen corn, she might like it too.

She must be feeling needing more support and love from you and she is feeling that with you. Such a sweet girl.

From what I read individual chicken reacts to the implant differently. So long she eats something each day, you might not see much changes in eating until a week or more as the implant makings her feeling uncomfortable. The changes in her body... Hennopause, might be it is just like human menopause?

My hen on her second implant she did not molt again, and she was quiet again, but not as quiet as the first time she had it. The implant was ineffective after 2 months. She is healthy, more active, eat a great deal because she was back to laying egg.

Just a note with molasses, it is also use for flushing out digestive stuff. I only gave a little bit mixed with water, then put her beak into the small container of that drink, she took a few sips only, and I did that 1 or twice a day. She did not get flush from that as she did not drink much of it.

Alternatively you can give your hen honey mix with water. It is also provide energy. I had a jar of molasses so that what I gave mine.

When my hen did not eat much, I gave her some soft scramble egg york, she ate a little bit only, so long she eat something.
Final update until something changes: Pluisje's weight seems mostly stable (though still moving up and down in ways that make me worry; I've had to promise a friend to stop weighing her as much and just check her condition). She now has a tangible crop (as in: there's at least a marble's worth of seeds and food in there) several times a day and regularly goes to eat of her normal food - I don't have to dose it with treats anymore or push her to the bowl. She does still love her canned corn (saltless variety) very much. Poops are plump, frequent and normal, and she seems happy and inquisitive. She hasn't gone into a full molt, but she's losing a couple of feathers every day, so I think she's slow-walking it.

Sorry for the regular updates on this thread, but I figure it's good to have this documented, in case anyone else wakes up one morning to find their chicken has laid a big clump of blood and a weird shellless egg...

Anyway, here's a picture of her, me, and the chicken onesie she ruined with all her snacks. ;)
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