Hen passed blood clot & weird egg membrane

Just a small update: it's now been over a month since Pluisje first 'laid' blood and a tiny thin-shelled egg. She is eating, drinking and pooping well. I don't get the impression she's gained a lot of weight (I had to toss out the scales as I was driving myself insane) but she does not seem excessively skinny compared to any of the others, either.

Otherwise she is active and affectionate but also clearly kind of done with what has turned out to be quite a big molt. She only loses a few feathers a day now and is mostly focused on growing new ones.

Her implant is for six months. I also hope it lasts a while - I have worried about the size of the eggs she lays in comparison to the size of her body pretty much since she started laying. I want her to have the longest rest possible.
Just a small update: it's now been over a month since Pluisje first 'laid' blood and a tiny thin-shelled egg. She is eating, drinking and pooping well. I don't get the impression she's gained a lot of weight (I had to toss out the scales as I was driving myself insane) but she does not seem excessively skinny compared to any of the others, either.

Otherwise she is active and affectionate but also clearly kind of done with what has turned out to be quite a big molt. She only loses a few feathers a day now and is mostly focused on growing new ones.

Her implant is for six months. I also hope it lasts a while - I have worried about the size of the eggs she lays in comparison to the size of her body pretty much since she started laying. I want her to have the longest rest possible.
Thank you for the update.

I'm glad to hear Pluisje is still hanging in there.

Hopefully once she gets through molting, she will improve even more.
Sunday was the first time I've weighed her where she wasn't skinnier than the last time I did it (the week before). With any luck that means her weight has stabilized, and she might even start putting some on. She remains happy and active.
Tiny update - it has now been about three months since she received the implant. She has regained a little bit of the weight she lost, and still isn't laying any eggs. Whatever happened to her in December, it doesn't seem to presently be affecting her health at all - which I am indescribably happy and relieved about!

Of course the real test will be when the implant runs out and she starts laying eggs again, but that's hopefully still a few months away. Can confirm now suprelorin feels like an incredible lifesaver.
The vets told me that if this one runs out and she starts laying bloody eggs again, their next step would be surgery, rather than keeping her on implants indefinitely. Obviously that's scary, so I'm really hoping her system just works itself out?

I do wish just doing implants for good would be an option. She seems much happier.

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