Hen shivering in hot weather.


Nov 18, 2023
My hen with ovarian cancer started to shiver occasionally, dispite the weather being in the upper 70s to 80s.

She got the hormone implant to stop laying but she has only lost a few feathers.

Do you think it’s from the pain of cancer, or the beginning of her molt?
I doubt we could tell you for sure why she's shivering. But if this were my hen, I would suspect a sensitivity to extreme weather changes and treat immediately with electrolytes.

You can whip up your own with a cup of water and a teaspoon of sugar with a pinch of salt and baking soda, or give her room temperature Gatoraid. Chickens are partial to the red flavor. Be sure you get the original that has sugar and not the sugar-free or it won't really do the job.

If the hen continues to shake after a couple days on electrolytes, I would try giving her vitamin E with egg as that can help neurological issues.

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