Hen Stopped Laying Eggs

May 5, 2023
Hi, All!

I have a 2-year-old Buff Orpington hen. She started laying eggs after taking a break for winter about 2 weeks ago. She was laying eggs almost every day. Suddenly, she stopped. She has not laid an egg in a week. I just took her to the vet for a routine check-up and she was pronounced in excellent health. She's acting completely normal.

She eats a high protein (20%) all flock feed with oyster shell mixed in (I had to switch from a layer feed because one of my girls is on a hormone implant). I also give greens as treats, and give the occasional plain yogurt treat.

In the last few weeks, I noticed she is also pecking at her sister's butt feathers. She seems to be snipping them off and eating them. I know this usually means a hen is low on protein, but she has a high protein feed. They've been confined for the winter to mostly their coop and run. It is a large coop and run, and I've tried to put toys and greens to peck at. Could it be boredom?

Any suggestions on what I can do? Is she not getting the right nutrients? Thanks for any help you can provide.
How many chickens do you have and how big is their coop?
A week long break, especially during very cold or very hot weather, is usually not something to be concerned about. The feather picking is concerning, however.
I don't know the answer to your question but I have a suggestion for you. Stop putting the oyster shell in the feed because the non-laying hen should not have it. Instead, put it in a separate vessel to the side. The laying hen will help herself to as much as she needs and the non-layer will ignore it. Didn't you switch from the layer feed so the one with the hormone implant would not get the added calcium? You're defeating your purpose by adding calcium back into their feed.
How many chickens do you have and how big is their coop?
A week long break, especially during very cold or very hot weather, is usually not something to be concerned about. The feather picking is concerning, however.
It's now been over a week with no sign of an egg, but she's acting the same as always so I'm trying not to worry. I have 3 Buff Orpington hens total. The coop is big - an old converted shed about 8x8ft. The run is about 20x20.
I don't know the answer to your question but I have a suggestion for you. Stop putting the oyster shell in the feed because the non-laying hen should not have it. Instead, put it in a separate vessel to the side. The laying hen will help herself to as much as she needs and the non-layer will ignore it. Didn't you switch from the layer feed so the one with the hormone implant would not get the added calcium? You're defeating your purpose by adding calcium back into their feed.
Yes! I thought my layers would eat the oyster shell and my non-layer would pick around it. But I will take your advice and stop mixing it together! Thank you.
I'm not sure if this applies since your girl is only 2, but I had 2 of my 5 year old hens do something similar. They took a break from laying after molting, laid several eggs over a couple of weeks at the end of January, took another break for most of February and then started laying again this past week 🤷‍♀️. Hopefully, your girl will start laying again soon too!
I'm not sure if this applies since your girl is only 2, but I had 2 of my 5 year old hens do something similar. They took a break from laying after molting, laid several eggs over a couple of weeks at the end of January, took another break for most of February and then started laying again this past week 🤷‍♀️. Hopefully, your girl will start laying again soon too!
That’s funny, for the first time I have had pretty much the same thing. My hens are younger, just coming on two years, and two of the three resumed laying in early January, laid through that month, quit at the very beginning of February and resumed four weeks later at the beginning of March.

My remaining 2021 hen (will be four in May) followed her usual pattern of quitting for the winter and resuming at the end of February (11 hours daylight).

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