Hen suddenly lethargic, empty crop ??


Apr 18, 2021
I've got a welsummer hen about a year and a half old that I noticed just falling asleep standing amongst the flock. She was like this several times throughout the day and did not resist at all when I picked her up, where she normally doesnt even let me touch her. Her comb and wattle are still bright red however the comb is flopped over. Vent looks normal, no signs of injury, just can barely keep her eyes open and moving really slow. Her crop is empty and has no interest in even her favorite foods. She was limping around slightly off and on for about a week, probably 2-3 weeks ago, and seemed fine over the past week up until today.

Any ideas? Anything I should do for her?
Does she have any signs of molting (loss of tail feathers, neck feathers, etc?) Can you try offering her some fluids with sugar or electrolytes from a small cup up to her beak? Then some very water chicken feed and cooked egg? What do her droppings look like? Has she been bullied or picked on?
Does she have any signs of molting (loss of tail feathers, neck feathers, etc?) Can you try offering her some fluids with sugar or electrolytes from a small cup up to her beak? Then some very water chicken feed and cooked egg? What do her droppings look like? Has she been bullied or picked on?

Does she lay eggs, and have they always been normal with hard shells?

No bullying, no loss of feathers. Nice thick shells and usually a very good layer however she has slowed down the past few weeks and I'm not sure if she has laid the past few days. Havent seen her droppings in particular but also havent noticed any unusual ones anywhere. I will try to offer her fluids tomorrow and watch her further
Well damn I went out after posting that to see if she roosted ok for the night and she was dead in the run under the coop door. No signs of anything, no odors, eyes nose and beak all looked fine, and she still had all of the color in her face/comb. So she was fine yesterday and this all happened today

Maybe related - late May another hen hatched out one of this bird's eggs and it only lived a week and had the exact same thing happen to it. Totally fine and energetic, then really lethargic one day, sleeping way more than normal, then dead the next morning.
Well damn I went out after posting that to see if she roosted ok for the night and she was dead in the run under the coop door. No signs of anything, no odors, eyes nose and beak all looked fine, and she still had all of the color in her face/comb. So she was fine yesterday and this all happened today
Sorry for your loss.
Limping is a sign of Marek's disease.
Are you in the us? If so you can refrigerate her body and then overnight it to your state lab to find out exactly why she died.
State Labs for Necropsy List

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