I have 2 hens that I've had for 2 years. No exposure to other chickens, and they've both been very healthy. One hen has been appearing progressively weaker over the last 3 days. Spends a lot of time just sitting, or walking slowly. Now today she looks like she wants to eat, but when she bends down it looks like she is off-balance, so she doesn't eat. One eye keeps staying closed for a while, then open for a while. She also hasn't layed an egg for 4 days which is unusual for her. I'm concerned about Marek's but I don't know where it could have come from. She usually doesn't want to be touched, but today she let me pick her up easily. I gave her calcium, some water with a syringe, then she sat it a crate with a heating pad which she seemed to enjoy. After a while she ate a small amount of mash while sitting down. Also concerned about egg bound, but I don't feel anything in her abdomen. Her poop seems normal.
I'd appreciate any help here!
I'd appreciate any help here!