Hen walking slowly and not eating


In the Brooder
Aug 7, 2021
I have 2 hens that I've had for 2 years. No exposure to other chickens, and they've both been very healthy. One hen has been appearing progressively weaker over the last 3 days. Spends a lot of time just sitting, or walking slowly. Now today she looks like she wants to eat, but when she bends down it looks like she is off-balance, so she doesn't eat. One eye keeps staying closed for a while, then open for a while. She also hasn't layed an egg for 4 days which is unusual for her. I'm concerned about Marek's but I don't know where it could have come from. She usually doesn't want to be touched, but today she let me pick her up easily. I gave her calcium, some water with a syringe, then she sat it a crate with a heating pad which she seemed to enjoy. After a while she ate a small amount of mash while sitting down. Also concerned about egg bound, but I don't feel anything in her abdomen. Her poop seems normal.
I'd appreciate any help here!
Check in her ears for infection. Also check her eyes and nose for any discharge. Does she waddle when she walks?
No sign of infection at all. I fed her twice yesterday, and she does seem somewhat better today. Still spending a lot of time sitting, but she has been able to eat a little on her own. I gave her a lot of mash and she enjoyed that. Her eye is normal today, too. Hasn't had any discharge. Not waddling either, just moving slowly and sitting a lot. I'm concerned about eggbound, but her abdomen feels totally normal, and vent is clean. She's had Calcium 4 days in a row now.
I'm just hoping she keeps improving!
No sign of infection at all. I fed her twice yesterday, and she does seem somewhat better today. Still spending a lot of time sitting, but she has been able to eat a little on her own. I gave her a lot of mash and she enjoyed that. Her eye is normal today, too. Hasn't had any discharge. Not waddling either, just moving slowly and sitting a lot. I'm concerned about eggbound, but her abdomen feels totally normal, and vent is clean. She's had Calcium 4 days in a row now.
I'm just hoping she keeps improving!
That's good on the calcium! It sounds like she's egg bound, but if you say that you can't feel anything then she may not be. Or the egg could be broken. I would continue with the calcium. You could also try gently massaging her abdomen downwards for a couple minutes.

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