Hen with spurs

Oh great I have all of them,
rir's. Lakenvelders, and Polish.

My problem is that my white layers are laying brown, still not have an answer to that one.
It has become more common in hatchery chickens then it should be. This is a sign of inline breeding without culling, smaller and less frequent egg laying is another, I also think many hatcheries use game birds to add genetic diversity to the line, this too would explain the increase in appearance it hens with spurs. If you search you can see that years ago, people mention seeing this but very infrequently.

In the last several years, I have yet to have a hatchery order, not produce at least one hen with spurs.
One of my hens, a Black Australorp, has spurs. they aren't sharp, but they are pretty big - maybe 1.5 to 2 inches. I've been wondering this question myself for a while.
She's old now (3 years) and doesn't lay, but she used to lay an egg everyday, unless she was molting.
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I just realized that one of my Silver Spangled Hamburg Hens has spurs today. They are smaller than my Roo's spurs, but they are way larger than all of my other hens.Here she is.....


No, sumatra hens do not have spurs, although you might catch one once in a while with some just like any other hen. I raise game fowl and they come with their fair share of spurred hens..doesn't make them inferior. Actually get more healthier and vigorous chicks off them.
FOR WHAT IT'S WORTH: I got a number of shavers given to me and they had no rooster and interestingly enough the hen that was obviously the 'top hen' and protected the other hens from any intruders (still does) has spurs. She and the others now have a rooster of their own and in the beginning she was the one that fought with the rooster while the others looked on.
Still finding use for this thread!

I just noticed a week or so ago that one of my Danish Brown Leghorns (we ordered 3 of this breed from Ideal--all pullets) has grown short spurs. I was thinking I must have a roo, which I did not want. I'm glad you guys posted about this, because I was thoroughly confused--she's the same size and color as the other two. Plus, at 1 year next month I would expect to have seen roo behavior--crowing, breeding...something--and yet nothing.

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