Hen's comb has shrank


5 Years
Jun 7, 2014
Hello, I have a question about my hen's comb, she is a serama mix, looks to me that she might be part rosecomb bantam, but not sure. She went broody 2 months back, and hatched 3 chicks almost 7 weeks ago. I have noticed that her comb shrank. She used to have a beautiful comb and now
it shriveled up to almost nothing! :( It this normal for a broody? Will it go back to normal?
Perfectly normal. Comb size is hormonally regulated. When she becomes ready to lay her comb will go back to it's normal size.
Nothing to worry about! As @Cayuga momma said, it's normal for a non-producing hen's comb to recede like that. I have an Ancona who performs a similar magic trick when she goes into molt every fall, and her comb comes back the following spring when she goes back into lay. :)

Before and after:

View attachment 1570530 View attachment 1570529
Oh, thank you so much. That makes me feel better. She is raising her babies, and she is going thru molt, so that might be it. I know she is not a pure serama, but I love that about her, her comb looks like a little lady hat, and I can't wait for her to get it back! :)

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