Hens comb white


Nov 11, 2024
Does my hens comb look concerning? I’m a first time chicken owner. 3/5 chickens have this white but hers is the most prominent. I’m not sure if it was from the winter we’re getting done with in MI or parasite? I checked for mites and there isn’t anything I can find on her. She’s acting normal, eating and drinking. As far as eggs- I’m not sure if there has been a change in her eggs as I can’t keep track of which of them are laying ):
when did you notice this? what is the coldest temp recently? (counting nighttime temps) i have 3 hens and during the winter their combs look like your hen's. i think it's just from the cold because nothing bad has happened to them at all.
when did you notice this? what is the coldest temp recently? (counting nighttime temps) i have 3 hens and during the winter their combs look like your hen's. i think it's just from the cold because nothing bad has happened to them at all.
I feel like it was dry looking throughout the winter but not what it looks like now. 20-30s° at night the past couple of weeks. It certainly was way colder for winter. I wanted to rub some like coconut oil on it or something and see if it brightens back up

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