Hens Pecking me!!! OUCH!!!

My kids still haven't figured that out and they are 8, 20, and 28

The chickens still haven't learned that dog fur is not a taste treat. Come to think of it, the dog has yet to learn not to sleep next to the run either. I kinda hope they don't stop tasting everything. I'm still discovering various treats and stuff to give 'em and if they ever stop pecking at new stuff I'm gonna be sad.

My hubby, who wasn't exactly thrilled with the idea of having chickens, now heads outside every chance he gets with something new to toss into the run. He is as fascinated as my 8y/o with watching them do the keep away game.

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It could be the colors you are wearing. Do you have "chicken shoes" that you wear out every time you tend to them? Bright colors like red, orange, pink, and yellow will attrack their attention. Sometimes it's not nice attention. I found out building the coup that my big tom turkey did not like yellow......I was using a dewalt drill (yellow and black) and he would try to flog me everytime he heard it. My DD found out our old nasty roo did not like her pink camo rubber "chicken" boots. Try changing up what you wear to something a little less interesting and see if that does not have an effect. A friend of mine told me he had similar problems with his roo, he got rid of the red boots and problem solved!
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This is too true! It's amazing what goes on in their little chicken brains. I cannot in any way, shape, or form, wear sweatpants or yoga pants when I tend my chickens. They go nuts over them, pecking and pulling on the material. If I sit down, they all go to town on the loose parts, even scratching with thier feet. It's hysterical, but can get old if they catch my legs. I guess I can sympathize with their anti-pathy to excersize clothes though. I don't like working out either.

On the other hand, my chickens are so used to my barefoot hippy ways that they don't care about toes much. Now, put on a pair of socks, and it's no mercy for you. At least I didn't have to break my hubby of his white socks and sandals habit. Chickens did it for me! Fashion bonus points!
you know what?? I think it just might be possible that what I am wearing
is causing them to peck. I never thought about that. I wear a lot of pink
and bright colors with patterns and designes on them.

I will try wearing something less loud and see what happens. That is a very
good point. Thanks.

That or you may be yummy.

Don't knock your head and fall down in the coop. No good can come of it.
On the other hand you may find out that they think you are indeed yummy.
Haha, yes it's very normal. Hens, especially youngster, like to peck at legs. Mine love my shoes, my legs, and sometimes even hop up to grab at my shorts....
The older hens don't do it, so I'm hoping the younger ones will stop soon too.

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