Here's a new one ,OMG what next (update on page 6)


12 Years
Oct 3, 2007
So my mil and fil rent the extra house from us. They were so against me getting chickens. I got them anyway. Here is the new angle, They are allergic to my chickens. I have heard it all from them, Chickens stink, they are loud and nasty, they can't eat the eggs because I have a rooster and that is just gross(who was offering eggs anyway) Etc.
Well yesterday they came over and told me that every time they come to my house they feel dizzy and sick and feel that they must be allergic to my chickens

So Now I must build more coops and get more chickens LOL I am on a mission to either prove they are not allergic or build an invisible wall of chicken allergies. LOL who needs fences when you can just have an invisible chicken allergy force field.
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well that is a new one, I havent heard of a chicken allergy yet but theres always a first time and here it is!!!lol
Im sorry that you have this to deal with, Its really hard when they arent your parents.
I wouldnt like to have to decide on who goes: her or the chooks!!!
MILs can be a pain in the butt for us girls. I hope yours improves and finds an antidote for her allergy.
who needs fences when you can just have an invisible chicken allergy force field.


Thats great. Enjoy the new chickens.....maybe it is time for some hatching eggs!​
Actually i just built my first bator LOL I have one egg in it. The only one that survived shipping. They can't understand why I need to hatch eggs.
Well duhh I have to build the chicken force field. LOL
Now I have a really hard time believing that one my nephew who is horribly allergic to EVERYTHING and has bad bad bad Asthma attacks ( 3 trips to hospital this summer, twice he spent some time in the PICU ) and he is really loves to be around the chickens when he is at my house, I just wish I could build a chicken force field between me and my in laws but one is staying just down the hall ( I am way too nice)
I just wish I could build a chicken force field between me and my in laws but one is staying just down the hall ( I am way too nice)

Mine llive right behind me in a small house on our property. Have lived there about 9 years. I love them...I do but sometimes AAAAAAAAGH
Get silkies. According to Purple Chicken, they are evil. They will be able to either turn your inlaws to the dark side or will defeat them with their silkie mind powers...

Just a suggestion - my brooder full of 1 wk old silkies has already taken over my house and I feel their mind powers at work every day...

They just need to get over it. They are living on YOUR property. If they don't like your chickens they can move to another place. You know they would never if it came right down to's just something ELSE for them to complain about.

They need to get a hobby. Like RV traveling....LOONNNGGG distance RV traveling. Preferably to somewhere there are no chickens.

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