Here's a new one ,OMG what next (update on page 6)

"Quick Fred Activate the invisible chicken forcefield!"
I would fasten a fake chicken head to the tail feathers of your rooster and put antenas on your hens. Then ask your inlaws if they saw the bright lights the night before.
I don't mean to hijake the thread so please forgive me. Y'all are cracking me up. My family calls me the crazy chicken lady. They can't imagine WHY I would want to have sooo.. many chickens as I am a CITY girl. I just ignore the morons, but they always ask if my girls have started laying yet and how many eggs I'm getting a day and when will I have enough to start sharing, I tell them when my rooster start laying I'll start giving, that aways appeases them, and they call me crazy.
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I agree with the turkeys and guineas that should do the trick most people are scared of a gang of turkeys:D my MIL dont like to come down and snoop at the farm when we are out there (she lives just down the road) tho did have one mean rooster I had that would attack any stranger so everyone stayed away from him even when he died I told him for 2 yrs that he was still alive so they would stop snooping and leave me alone;)
Yes Turkeys are terrific for chasing people, My auntie had an outhouse and I used to run out there when I was a girl. the turkeys used to poke their heads under the loo door and watch me and wait for me to come out again, Iwas too scared to come out so I waited until My Aunt came and rescued me. Their warbles sounded really freaky too!
Thank you all for your comments. I laugh every time I read them. I have had such a hard week and this has just made me laugh. My nerves have been shot with financial worries amongst other things and still not smoking. It has been a week for the books for sure and I have laughed so hard reading every ones responses. Thank you
Congrats hsm5grls on the quitting smoking!

I have set a quit date of December 1st. Got a Rx of Chantix waiting for me at the pharmacy and my doctor even put me on anti-depressant in preparation...cuz every time I've tried before I've gotten homicidal. Again, congrats!

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