Hey all !


In the Brooder
Dec 14, 2024
Ive read the forums for about a year decided id officially make an account LOL we have 12 hens, 2 house hens and a new roo with the girls outside we just got yesterday !! I was nervous about adding him but after a little (chicken discussions) LOL they accepted him !! less than 48 hours ! its crazy how they accept a roo so much faster than a new hen.
Ive read the forums for about a year decided id officially make an account LOL we have 12 hens, 2 house hens and a new roo with the girls outside we just got yesterday !! I was nervous about adding him but after a little (chicken discussions) LOL they accepted him !! less than 48 hours ! its crazy how they accept a roo so much faster than a new hen.
Welcome, thanks for joinin':)
It is funny how you can usually just throw a rooster in there (as long as they're the only rooster) and it doesn't disrupt the whole pecking order. They usually have in-bred instincts to help the hens find food and such, so the girls usually like that. I really enjoy having roosters in my flock.

Thanks for joining and welcome to BackYard Chickens!

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