Hey From Kerrville, Texas!!

Hi Ruthie - Welcome!
I'm just down the road from you in Boerne! I'm new to the site too but so far have found it to bea a great resource for information and sharing the fun of chickens with others who love them!
Hi everybody!
I've had four different little backyard flocks, the first one when I was about two, the next more mine, but I'm that kind of person who join websites that have forums if I have one tiny question, But I'm sure that this website will be helpful for any questions I might haveWhen I get my chicks in April.
Hello there Purple Chicky, was wondering what the zoning laws are there in Kerrville, TX? We are looking at possibly moving there and wanted to know if I can bring my girls? Thanks! -Koodra
Howdy neighbor :frow and Welcome to Backyard Chickens.

Happy :ya to have you here with us. Enjoy your time here at BYC!
You might like to check out the Texas thread over on the "Where am I? Where are you!" forum. Here's a link to the thread.

Thanks for joining our community! :celebrate

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