Hey y'all!

Hiya, and welcome to BYC! :frow

What area are you in that you wonder how they'll do? Most chickens do well just about anywhere although a few breeds do fair better in colder weather than others and vice versa with warmer climates.

If you'd care to share a photo of your flock, we'd love to see some! We're glad you're here!

I'm in Texas so heat is a concern. The coop and much of our back yard are in the shade of several big oaks so that should help. It's also got windows (corrugated metal over wire) that I can open to achieve excellent ventilation most of the year or close to keep out the cold on the handful of freezing nights we get this time of year.

If I think of it tomorrow, I can snap a pic of them.

I'm in Texas so heat is a concern. The coop and much of our back yard are in the shade of several big oaks so that should help. It's also got windows (corrugated metal over wire) that I can open to achieve excellent ventilation most of the year or close to keep out the cold on the handful of freezing nights we get this time of year.

If I think of it tomorrow, I can snap a pic of them.
Here is your Texas thread. You may want to ask them there for ideas too.
Hi! It's nice to have you here! Do you have plans for your extra males? I'd love to see pictures as well! I love the teenage chicken stage when they are just getting their personality. Such a cute age.

Thanks for joining and welcome to BackYard Chickens!
At most, I'll try to keep two of them if there are two that can tolerate each other. Six weeks in, I've noticed a few males squaring up, but nothing too earnest by way of a fight. Once they're a bit more settled in the coop, I plan to free range them so, hopefully, the extra space will help. If not, I'll have to build a small tractor to go in the front yard until they're grown out.

The extra males are for the table. The kids knew that before the chickens arrived so, hopefully, there won't be any problems there.

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