Hey, y'all!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Dec 14, 2014
Central Florida
Hi everyone! I got my first (6) chickens a couple months ago; buff orpingtons about 9 weeks old now. I built the coop myself! It was my first time building something of that size. (I didn't even know how to work a circular saw before this) It's a 4x7 coop based off of the "How the Chicken Crossed the Road" plans on Tractor Supply's website. I don't have a run yet but I do plan on building one ASAP. The chicks are so cute! I'm so happy I decided to get them. I look forward to getting to know y'all!

Winter Haven, FL
Hi Connor, nice to meet you. Rule of thumb is 4 sq.feet per bird in the cop, not counting nest boxes and 10 sg.feet per bird in the outdoor run. Bigger is always better- because you WILL want more chickens, and it could save you from building a second coop. Buff orps are rather big, heavy birds, they'd probably like more room so they don't knock each other off the roost bars.
yeah I wasn't actually planning on getting six of them but those were the last bunch at the local Rural King and I felt bad only getting 3 or 4 and splitting them up! I should've known this would happen! Lol. I put hardware cloth on the doors and then put a clear piece of greenhouse roofing over that so they get lots of natural light every day without the draft. Worse comes to worst, I'll just add on to it! Don't worry, I will make sure to spoil my little babies!

EDIT: I also make sure they got out once a day to free range in the yard for at least an hour! I'm training my hound to protect the flock from predators if I'm not right there with them.
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Welcome to BYC, Conner! Glad you decided to join our flock. Drumstick diva has given you some good advice. Buff Orpingtons are a wonderful breed. I've raised them for years, and they are very friendly, calm, and gentle. My children, and now my granddaughter (pictured in my avatar) made lap pets of them. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck in getting your run built.
Welcome to BYC
Any excuse to buy a few extra chicks, right?
As Drumstick Diva pointed out, it's a good idea to provide extra space for when chicken math kicks in. Here is a thread on training livestock guardian dogs with some tips, if you're interested or want to contribute:


Enjoy the site!
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Congrats on the new babies!! Make yourself at home here and if you have any questions along the way about anything, feel free to ask. Welcome to our flock!

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