hi and thanks

thanks so much--what breed does she look like? I am pretty sure she is a hen. my biggest concern is protecting her from predators--it seems electric poultry netting is the most effective? I SO want to let her go free but she won't last long if I do--my two dogs would probably kill her--never mind foxes, coyotes, minks, fishers and weasels and hawks... :(
X2, she looks like a production red / red sex link, hopefully when she gets done molting she'll lay some nice eggs for you.
Electric fencing on a sturdy coop/run is a really good deterrent for most ground predators, for hawks/owls run does need to be covered. Electric poultry netting is nice if you want to give them access to more area sometimes, (doesn't do anything against hawks though)... quite a few people use it and like it https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/732607/electric-poultry-fence and https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/843512/electro-net-fencing and https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/658469/which-electric-net-fence-is-best

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