HI BYC peeps, I'm new!

not really. They are little reddish ones. Is that why the DE isn't working?? PLease help!
You need to change out every bit of litter, nesting box material etc. Use Sevin dust or Poultry Dust / permethrin on your birds and in the coop everywhere, you need to hit all the cracks, especially around the roosts etc, repeat again every week at least three times. For the coop if it is pretty warm and dry where you are. you can also use a liquid like with a little pump sprayer you get at the feed store and something like Permectrin II. Mix according to directions as a premise treatment and spray down everything, let it dry and put the birds back in.
Some people like to use ivermectin pour on, (not the injectable).
nice LEarning Center article on them https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/mites-chicken-pests-how-to-protect-your-chickens-from-mites
ok I'll try those. I'm doing the same to my peacock coop that I do for the roster, but my peahen is sitting on 6 eggs and I don't want to disturb her, should I wait or risk moving her eggs when she comes down for food/water? The chicks aren't coming to me like that, I talked with the rancher about it and he hasn't had that problem at all. I don't know where they are coming from

Welcome to BYC!

I am so so sorry about your baby. It is never easy to lose our feathered friends.

DE will not take care of infestations. As Kelsie has mentioned, you need to use something with a little more power to it. DE can act as a preventative, not a cure. So get some Sevin dust or permethrin spray. The Sevin you can get at walmart in the garden section. It is a dust in a red and yellow tall can. The permethrin spray can be gotten in some parrot sections or on line. Clean everything out and really get the nest boxes, roost bar and beneath the roost bar really well. Dust all birds or spray them. Make sure to get down to the skin by blowing the feathers back or gently pull them back. Re dust or re spray the birds in a couple days. Re do the coop once a week for a couple weeks. Once you get the bugs under control, you can use DE everywhere to keep them from coming back.

I am so sorry about your baby. I hope you heavy heart can heal soon.
This is turning out to be a lot of work….more than I bargained for. I hope I can get them under control.
Reading the back of the label if Sevin, I'm really supposed to dust my chicken with this? It says it's poison...

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