Hi! I am going to be getting my first chickens by the end of this week! I am really excited. We are getting 2 brahmas; a light and a dark, a buff Orpington, a barred rock, and a blue jersey giant. After they are old enough, they are going to move out to a 6’ by 9’ walk in run with an eglu cube. Here is a picture of their “grow out tub” (yes I know that isn’t the proper term but I am a reptile keeper and is what we call them for reptiles, which birds are ).
Any advice for it? I also have a 18% protein crumble, two different brands mixed together, that they will be fed.
Anyway, along with my future chickens, I also have two dogs, a macaw, a blue tongue skink, a scaleless Texas rat snake, two toads, a northern slimy salamander, a northern green frog, a crested gecko, some land snails, and way too many fish. Here are some pics of them!
I do keep multiple other fish species but they are just too hard to get pictures of
Any advice for it? I also have a 18% protein crumble, two different brands mixed together, that they will be fed.
Anyway, along with my future chickens, I also have two dogs, a macaw, a blue tongue skink, a scaleless Texas rat snake, two toads, a northern slimy salamander, a northern green frog, a crested gecko, some land snails, and way too many fish. Here are some pics of them!
I do keep multiple other fish species but they are just too hard to get pictures of