Hi from East Tennessee!

Been lurking for a while thought I'd finally join up! Been raising chickens here in East Tennessee for somewhere around 10 years, I've actually lost track. For the most part I raise layers which I seem to always have too many of. Must be an addiction. Have Isa Browns, Blue Australorps, Wyandottes, Bielefelders, and a splattering of others for layers. Also raising my own Leghorn cross for future layers (I'm about to start the 3rd gen.) and Lavender Ameraucanas just because........ Usually have from 30 to 50+

Where are you located? I'm looking to replace a flock that I lost to predators a couple weeks ago. Will be keeping them in coops for a couple of months, then only going to let them out when I can be out with them - at least for a while.

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