Hi from Mike in Ann Arbor.

Hi Mike, welcome! Are you and your adult children handy at all? If so I highly recommend you build your chicken coop and run from scratch and bypass the expense, heartache, disappointment and frustration of buying a cheap and too-small prefab unit. There's a section here on coop building, check it out! :frow
Hiya, Mike, and welcome to BYC! :frow

Congrats on your upcoming retirement! We're both retired here too and gosh it is fun to have more time for the chickens this way!

If you don't have a coop yet, under the Articles tab above, you'll see our Learning Center that's chocked full of helpful articles on the left, and on the right, a plethora of coops our members wrote articles about. Some even have blueprints and step-by-step instructions.

If you ever have questions, just ask here or find the forum your question fits in and ask there. There are so many knowledgeable people that will help you.

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