Hi from NC

Hello, and welcome to BYC! Nice to meet you. :frow

For the coop, make sure each bird has at least 4sq ft of coop space, 10-15sq ft of run space, roughly 12ft of roost, and 1sq ft of 24/7 ventilation. Depending on where you are located, you may need more space. If you free range a lot then you could get away with a bit less space, but that also depends on where you are located as well. If you get colder winters then you'll want more coop space since they'll spend more time in there.
I also recommend using 1/2" hardware cloth. Its the best to protect against predators. Don't use chicken wire since it has big holes and is very flimsy, predators can just rip right through it. You also want to have an apron around the whole coop and run to prevent digging animals from getting inside.
Thanks! I've seen these same rules all over so it's getting drilled in very well as I start drawing up a plan!

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