Hi from Plant City, Florida!

TEaCup Acres

Apr 23, 2020
Plant City, FL
I am the chicken lady/goat momma of a bunch of little boys on TEaCup Acres.
We have had chickens for a few years now, started with Japanese Bantam and now have a wide variety of backyard layers for eggs around the rainbow! We still need to get a pinkish egg layer and a dark brown egg layer, then our colors will be complete. :) We love out girls, and Roos, too. It’s so fun to collect and eat eggs that we have collected every day; we also sell and give to our neighbors and coworkers.

We are also a 4H family and show goats and chickens at the local and state fairs. Super busy around the house with the boys and hobby farm, but still manage to work as an RN. We also have fish, dogs, and a cat.

I found this group on a search on chicken information and how to sell chickens. Thanks for letting us join!

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