Hi!! I’m new and interested to learn more !!

There are such great advantages to custom building a coop that uniquely fits your own needs -- says the woman who owns both those and pre-fabs.

One tip: ALWAYS build bigger than you think you will need. Coop overcrowding can contribute to health and social issues for the birds -- which can cause headaches and vet bills for owners.

Welcome to BYC; hope you pick up some great tips here!
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.

DEFINITELY build the coop! One that you can walk in, has 4 sq ft of space and one linear foot of roost per bird, offers as close as possible to 1 sq foot of permanently open ventilation (that is secured with 1/2" hardware cloth) per bird as you can manage and 1 nest box per 4-5 hens that are place below your lowest roost to prevent them sleeping and pooping in the nest boxes at night.

Also providing a run with a solid roof, secure walls and predator apron that is also walk-in and offers another 15 sq ft of space per bird with lots of things in the space is a huge advantage for both the flock and the keeper. It really makes chicken ownership fun and much healthier for the flock.

There are other guidelines you can learn about in the Coop & Run forum. Or you can just read my coop article! :lol:

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