Hi I am Con1c66. I have 9 chickens, including 3 roosters(all Rhode Island Reds), and 6 hens ( 3 Golden Comets, 3 Black Australorps). Happy to be here!

Hiya, and welcome to BYC! :frow

It really all depends on the nature of the roosters to humans, the hens, and to each other. I run a very high percentage of roosters in my breeding pens, which is two roosters to five hens. The roosters get along great with everyone; however, if both are breeding the hens, the hens will become ragged over time. I will remove one when I see that happening.

These are silkies and I like it to be one rooster to five hens, but most I've seen prefer it to be one rooster to seven hens, or more.
Sorry forgot to say welcome. :celebrate
You could check out Chickenlandia's YouTube channel for extra information on that. I hope this helps, oh and look at my chicken Chubbs. :)
She is soooooooo adorable! :)

One of our little chicks.jpg

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