Hi, i need advice on how to properly take care of a duckling


In the Brooder
Jun 3, 2024
On Sunday I encountered a duckling stuck in between my basement window during a rainstorm and although I did leave it out with a box filled with food and water and shelter. We saw no signs of the mama duck. I've been told by a few people back at home that it may be a runt that wandered alone or abandoned as they couldn't keep up. As for the breed it seems like a rouen duck, I'm from Minnesota so they're kinda common. I did contact our local animal control but no one would answer. I'm unfortunately in no position to raise a whole flock and I know the little guy is older than a few days as it's really spunky and full of life. I've been trying to look for the mom and such. I did my research on providing food like chopped greens and oatmeal that a friend recommended? I'm afraid it means I'll have to look out for the duckling for longer til then. So we named them Pepper. I'm doing my best to provide a heat source at all times and keeping the little guy warm and fed and always having access to food and water. And supervising Pepper when they're outside to stretch. I do know that pepper loves being hidden in my palm or in my hoodie when wearing. Must be to mimicking when mom ducks lay on their babies. But I'd greatly appreciate any advice and helpful tips!
Here, I’ll list the most important things I can think of for duckling / duck care :)

I know you say you can’t have a full flock, but if you plan on keeping Pepper long-term, it’s best they have at least one ducky friend. I can’t stress enough how much ducks require constant companionship.

If you can find a shop nearby, like TSC, that sells duck feed, waterfowl feed, or an all-flock feed, that would be best. Greens and oatmeal isn’t going to have enough nutritional value, although it’s a decent start. Also, see if you can find Nutritional Yeast for added niacin; ducks need it for their legs to grow right. 1 tbsp per cup of feed. Peas also have a good amount of niacin in it, but the yeast is better.

If you give any food other than feed, ducks will need grit (small, insoluble rocks, like granite) in order to digest it properly. You can set it on the side in a dish, or they can find grit while outside.

Be sure Pepper has water they can dunk their whole bill / head into. They use the water to clean out their nares (nostrils) and eyes.

Sounds like you’re good on heat. Most use a heat lamp or heat pad, but body heat is enough if you have Pepper with you all the time.

Make sure Pepper dries off well after a swim. Adult ducks / ducklings with duck mamas have an oil that waterproofs them, but human-raised ducklings don’t have it until they’re older, meaning they get soaked and chill easily, and it can also mess up their feathers (wet feather).

Also.. are you sure Pepper is a Rouen and not a Mallard? A picture would be good to determine for sure.. Oh, and feel free to ask specific questions!!
You've already gotten some good advice about caring for Pepper.

Since animal control has not answered, how about calling the DNR? I recently found injured baby rabbits and while the DNR couldn't directly help, someone there put me in touch with a wildlife rehabilitator who could.

In the meantime, kudos to you for taking care of Pepper and best wishes!

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