Hi I'm a new member from Malvern, PA

so glad you have joined us and congrats on getting your own flock.

For your coop building info/pics, I would suggest you post under the coops/run forums or consider starting your own Member Page to do so.
Hi Sunflour, I posted here:


Will keep adding to this page, not sure if it is the place for coops or not.

I found the place for coops is here:
So I'll add here from now on.
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2 sides are in progress, but the wood is different to the front. Hoping another stain will even up the deepness of the colour.
Pop door with string and pulley is working well.
Chickens escaped today after we opened the garage door. They took ages to round up, the sooner they can get into their coop the better. but they are only 4 1/2 weeks old. Temperatures are hot every day here in PA, but is it too early to move them in?

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2 sides are in progress, but the wood is different to the front. Hoping another stain will even up the deepness of the colour.
Pop door with string and pulley is working well.
Chickens escaped today after we opened the garage door. They took ages to round up, the sooner they can get into their coop the better. but they are only 4 1/2 weeks old. Temperatures are hot every day here in PA, but is it too early to move them in?

They are plenty old enough to be outside without heat now. I would put 3 week old chicks outside without heat now. Just be sure they can stay dry in the thunderstorms we are expecting to get the next few days.
They are plenty old enough to be outside without heat now. I would put 3 week old chicks outside without heat now. Just be sure they can stay dry in the thunderstorms we are expecting to get the next few days.
@dheltzel Thanks neighbour! Thunderstorms have been crazy lately. I got soaked running from car to front door.
I'll prioritise main hen house construction to get that finished so that the chicks can move in. The hen house is 4x6 with windows, so they'll surely prefer that to their watermelon box with half coconut treat delivery system.

2016/06/28 Hatched
Breed: Buff Orpingtom
Eggs: 180 – 210 cream / light brown, large to extra large.
Colour: Yellow
Weight: 8lb
Temperament: Friendly
Info: Biggest chicken, friendliest

Breed: Super Blue Egg Layer
Eggs: 280 blue eggs, large.
Colour: White
Weight: 4-5lb
Temperament: Friendly
Info: Most adventurous, friendly

Breed: Black Copper Maran
Eggs: 280 chocolate eggs, large.
Colour: Black
Weight: 7.5lb
Temperament: Skittish
Info: 3rd most skittish after AC & Red

Breed: New Hampshire Red
Eggs: Brown, extra large.
Colour: Red
Weight: 6.5lb
Temperament: Skittish
Info: 2nd most skittish after AC

2 weeks 5 days old

3 weeks old

4 weeks old

2016/07/23 Hatched
Breed: Ayam Cemani
Eggs: Cream, small, 60 - 100
Colour: Jet Black all over
Weight: 1kg (2.2lb)
Temperament: Skittish
Info: Ran away the first day we got her.
Info: Seller talked a lot about lice. Recommended to get "Nature's Best Organic Egg Layer Pellets" from Tracto Supply and also "POULTRY PROTECTOR SPRAY" to prevent lice.

At 9 weeks old

2016/09/09 Hatched
Breed: Crested Cream Legbar
Eggs: Blue, apparently indistinguishable from Ameraucanas. 160-200, medium.
Colour: Grey
Weight: 4.4 - 6 lb
Temperament: Skittish
Info: Jumped in with AC on first day and took abuse like a trooper. Bought from @dheltzel , thank you Dennis!

At 2 weeks old

Breed: Silver Welbar
Eggs: Chocolate with no speckles. Good 3-4 per week (156 - 208), large.
Colour: Grey
Weight: 6lb
Temperament: Skittish
Info: Spent first 6 hours with us in corner of box. Bought from @dheltzel , thank you Dennis!

At 2 weeks old

Breed: Olive Egger
Breed: Barred Plymouth Rock Bantam
Breed: Blue Laced Red Wyandotte
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Nice! I love all those breeds there!
Thanks @CuzChickens ! We're learning that personality counts a lot when selecting a breed. Our Super Blue Egg Layer and Buff Orpington are a lot friendlier than the New Hampshire Red and Black Copper Maran. The kids love them because they can pet them. They also come running for treats when we whistle. New Hampshire Red and Black Copper Maran walk over uninterestedly.

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