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Hello! So nice to meet you.
Hello from Phoenix, AZ where traditional coops can cause heat stress and our winters stay above 30 degrees F even at night! My challenges have little to do with keeping chickens warm. Instead, I am often looking for new ways to keep my chickens cool when the summer temperatures soar above 110 degrees F.

My "coop" consists of a large, fully enclosed and secure run furnished with roosts, nest boxes, a couple of wind breaks and a roof. Placing my chickens in a place that receives plenty of summer shade is important. Last summer I added an industrial fan and a couple of misters to the run/coop and my chickens were all the better for it!

I keep bantam birds in my backyard. I enjoy bantam Cochins for their fluff and antics. I love seramas for their delicious eggs. And I adore my roosters! Beyond being beautiful, they are great for the hens. I love watching the roosters find special treats only to invite the hens to eat first while they stand aside and watch, pleased with their provision. The roosters are also great at warning the hens to take cover when danger is near. I can relax when the birds are enjoying the yard knowing that the roosters are never lax in their duties.
This is adorable. I wish I could have roosters but where I live I can't. It is good to see in nature animals taking care of each other so well.

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