Hi, I'm Sam!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 16, 2013
Hey everyone! So I'm new to this site, and am the owner of a medium sized flock of various breeds of gorgeous hens down under in New Zealand.
My old girls are three light Sussex, a black Orpington, Barnevelder, Dorking and Rhode Island Red. The new additions to my flock include two new Orpingtons - one black and one blue - two silver laced Wyandottes, a black Silkie, Barred Rock and a Houdan.
The new girls were left in the large coup alone for two many days and the old girls have been pushed down the order. Any suggestions on what I could do to sort this misbalance out? I have been considering getting a rooster to put the bossy girls in their place, but don't want to cause more stress. Any suggestions?
Hello, SamanthaLouise, and
! Great to have you here! I am not sure on your question. I think the pecking order is what it is and what you call an imbalance is just nature. A rooster (or any new addition) will cause stress but the flock will adjust. He will quickly ascend to the top of the pecking order. I have read that a rooster kind of keeps the order in line so there are fewer squabbles but I am but I have not seen this in practice as I have always had a rooster. There seem to be few squabbles among my 18 hens - and I have a rooster. If he wasn't here I can't say there would or wouldn't be more pecking order battles amongst the gals. A great place to post you question is in the link below. Good luck to you and enjoy your birds!!

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