Hi my name is Teri and i have a baby gosling only 3 days old. I was hoping someone would point me in the right direction for someone who makes diapers

Is this a domestic or wild gosling? If it's wild,you need to turn it over to a wildlife rehab, asap. And it's too young to be out of a brooder for very long so there's no need for diapers. Geese need to be outside with more geese for their mental and physical health.
This this this. Couldn’t agree more. Please do not keep a goose inside especially a wild one! (It’s illegal.)
Is this a domestic or wild gosling? If it's wild,you need to turn it over to a wildlife rehab, asap. And it's too young to be out of a brooder for very long so there's no need for diapers. Geese need to be outside with more geese for their mental and physical health.
This yes I agree

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