Hi! New to chicken tending in OK.

I'm willing to bet you are the only BYC member with a chicken named Rainbow Glitter Heart :lau! Sounds like you have some creative (and cute!) chicken-namers at your house.

You're starting with three great breeds and the potential for some very pretty baskets of eggs.

Best wishes with your flock, and good luck with your "100 home improvement projects." After years of living on my acreage, the truth is that no matter how many projects you complete, more will always pop up on the list. The good news: you will always have the opportunity to experience a feeling of accomplishment -- or at least the chance to learn what doesn't work!

Welcome to BYC!
Oh yes. Rainbow Heart Glitter was named by my 6 year old. 😂 I have 3 teens and her. My 13 year old picked the very funny but inappropriate name of Mother Clucker. I appreciate creativity so we compromised on MC. 😂

Thank you! I’m so excited for our pretty eggs!

Oh my goodness this is so true!! Glad there are others out there like me. Ha.

Thank you! Yes it is. I talked my 6 year old into giving up her playhouse for a few weeks. We lined the whole thing to make the massive clean out easier later. It seems to be working well. Gives them room to spread out and play.
Are you building their coop and run or is it already done?
Still working on it. Finishing is my goal over the next week or so.
Feel free to share pictures here or start a new thread in the Coop and Run Forum for suggestions on improvements that may make you and you chickens much happier throughout the year.

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