Hi there! New member from Oregon.


7 Years
May 25, 2012
Banks, OR
Hello everyone,

I've been studying chickens for several months and am now the proud owner of 7 Light Brahmas (about 7 weeks old now and doing great!). From what I'm seeing, one of them may even be a roo...so that is bringing more excitement to our household. It's certainly been an adventure so far...one of the chicks was pretty sick when we got home...I didn't do a very good job of checking, just let the lady pick them for me. But my daughter and I (9 years old) nursed "him" back to health (yes, this is the one that we think is the roo too). We are learning so much and really enjoying our chicks. This site has helped us tremendously, so hopefully someday we will be able to contribute as our experience grows.

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Hello welcome from southern missouri. I am new here also I had been lurking for over a year and joined. i have birds that around the same age. I am hoping for a roo as I am raising them for mates to my older hens. I lucked into a true aruacana and am now raising two more hoping for a male and one SLW.

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