Hi, we have no chickens or coop yet

Hello Lexie, and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.

Not really.
You want to shoot for as close to 1sq ft of permanently open ventilation per bird in the coop with more than can be opened up during hot weather.
You also want 1 linear foot of unobstructed roost space and 4 sq ft of floor space per bird in the coop. You want to shoot for an additional 12-15 sq ft in the run especially if you plan to expand the flock.

If your DH is in construction, he should be able to run a circuit out to the coop. It is very convenient to have electricity in the coop so be able to work out there at night. Or to have a heated water source out in the run.
Okay why are you mathing me? Lol
Kidding but when you speak numbers my brain doesn’t compute.
Two 24x36 windows on the north facing side
Two 24x36 windows on the east side
Because the roof is slanted, a 12 inch that tapers down to the low side of the roof.
My concern is that our winter winds come from the N and NW.
Chicken math means something entirely different to me than it means to experienced chicken owners.
Hello from just outside of Boone NC! We have a coop about this size (6'x12'ish) with no electricity. We free range and also have a protected run, but I keep about a dozen chickens in it year around so your size should be fine if you can give them some grazing space. If not, I'd probably only keep about 4-6 birds max in this space. They'll take all you can give them and get peevish quickly without roaming room.

You don't need electricity in a coop, even in the NC mountains. We have a solar panel that handles extra lighting in winter along with an extension cord to keep water heated, but that's only about half the year or less. You'll need it even less where you are. Best wishes!
In a 10x12 coop and 10x 10 run?
We can’t free range, we have acreage but coyote, possums, coons, owls and whatever other creatures of the night, lol
Hello Lexie, and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.

Not really.
You want to shoot for as close to 1sq ft of permanently open ventilation per bird in the coop with more than can be opened up during hot weather.
You also want 1 linear foot of unobstructed roost space and 4 sq ft of floor space per bird in the coop. You want to shoot for an additional 12-15 sq ft in the run especially if you plan to expand the flock.

If your DH is in construction, he should be able to run a circuit out to the coop. It is very convenient to have electricity in the coop so be able to work out there at night. Or to have a heated water source out in the run.
He can, but it would take time. He works a full time job, and we’re still working on necessities of our house. So we have to do what we can for right now.
He can, but it would take time. He works a full time job, and we’re still working on necessities of our house. So we have to do what we can for right now.
Like we have open permits and projects in stasis at home. I can run equipment and tools but I can’t read the plans to start jobs off.
The weather has been no joy, either.
Hello from just outside of Boone NC! We have a coop about this size (6'x12'ish) with no electricity. We free range and also have a protected run, but I keep about a dozen chickens in it year around so your size should be fine if you can give them some grazing space. If not, I'd probably only keep about 4-6 birds max in this space. They'll take all you can give them and get peevish quickly without roaming room.

You don't need electricity in a coop, even in the NC mountains. We have a solar panel that handles extra lighting in winter along with an extension cord to keep water heated, but that's only about half the year or less. You'll need it even less where you are. Best wishes!
Thank you so much and I hope y’all are doing well. Happy Valentine’s Day! ❤️

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